Thursday, February 21, 2019

Paul Joseph Watson Now Ex-Conspiracy Theorist

Paul Joseph Watson has made comments indicating he has renounced many of the conspiracy theories he’s pushed over the years.
Watson made the comments on September 8, 2017 but have hardly been noticed. In responding to a question about whether he would run for office in politics, Watson said he doesn’t want the attention of always being scrutinized for things he’s said in the past. An example he brought up is his conspiracy theories he used to believe in. Watson did not specify which conspiracy theories he no longer believes.
"I've talked about some quite fruity things in the past in my younger days in terms of conspiracy theories. We don't all believe what we believed 10 years ago." 
That didn't stop Trump from running for President

Watch the full interview below. He makes the comments at the 6:35 mark.

Cult of Dusty has covered Watson's conspiratorial past which include that the British government staged the London Bombings, 9/11 was an inside job, the 2011 Norwegian shooter/bomber was a patsy, the Fort Hoot Shooter was a patsy, the Oklahoma City bomber was directed by the FBI, Virginia Tech shooting was a black ops operation by the government, birtherism, and that Bin Laden's corpse has been on ice for a decade (before his death). 

Watch below

I’m always curious as to whether these conspiracy theorists stand by their positions especially if they don’t talk about it for years. Examples include Mark Dice also who hasn’t put out a clarifying statement on what he believes now. Another example is Dylan Avery who responded to me directly saying he stands by his Loose Change 9/11 conspiracy film.

It's fair to say Paul Joseph Watson is now an ex-conspiracy theorist. On what specifically, I don't know because he doesn't specify. But he still writes for InfoWars and even he doesn't buy everything they say.

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