Saturday, September 22, 2018

Secrets of Mark Dice: The Ex Conspiracy Theorist Turned Trump Supporter?

There was once a New World Order war.  But there was one man who taught us to fight, to read his books and to listen to Alex Jones for every waking hour. His name was Connor... John Connor. Also known today as Mark Dice. No seriously that’s the name he used to go by. Mark Dice is known today for his in your face commentary on the news in the world as well as his social experiments and  supposed interview surveys. Mostly and especially he focuses on SJWs, hating liberals, and criticizing and dismissing any criticism of President Trump. In short he’s a right wing populist. He’s got over 1 million YouTube subscribers and hundreds of thousands of Facebook followers. But do his followers today know about his past?

Mark Dice got his Internet fame in the 9/11 truth movement and became a frequent guest on the Alex Jones show pushing a number conspiracy theories. His main focus throughout his career in conspiracy theories has been on the Illuminati. The Illuminati was a secret society that was organized against the Kings and churches believing they were enlightened ones.  They are believed to be long disbanded centuries ago. Or were they? Dice has suggested they still exist today and have had a role in every other seemingly unrelated conspiracy theory you can think of. The Illuminati controls the government, the corporations, the banking system, and the entertainment industry. Also the anti-Semitic hoax book the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is real but its the plan of the Illuminati and not the Jews in his view. Its the same position that William Cooper takes on the Protocols book.

His old website features his media appearances, tax returns of the secret societies, and even a list of phone calls he’s made to talk radio shows.

He’s called nearly every popular talk show host sometimes using the name “John Connor” warning them about the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, 9/11 being an inside job, and the Illuminati.  He even got a death fatwa from radio talk show host Michael Reagan. (Reagan still kept his job after calling for Dice’s murder). His call to murder Dice was in response to a 2008 campaign By Mark dice sending letters to US troops in Iraq telling them the 9/11 terrorist attacks were orchestrated by the US government and they are just pawns of those murders. Dice even came on Michael Reagan’s show to discuss the death threat and his campaign to the troops.

A lot of times the calls into the radio shows were meant to promote his book The Resistance Manifesto. The book is a how to fight the New World order guide book listing several other conspiracy theories you must believe in. It’s mostly a collage of different conspiracy theories all in one book. The Bible is quoted several times as a source for claims he says fulfill religious prophecies like the antichrist. Satanism is real and not imaginary in his view. Yes Mark dice is a purveyor of the Satanic Panic.

Almost all his videos that he’s made regarding 9/11 conspiracy theories have been deleted. But there’s no delete button on the Internet and a lot of them are easy to find if you look. One notable one is a bunch of girls in bikinis on a California beach saying to the camera “9/11 was an inside job”. Ending with all of them saying "We Love Mark Dice". Some of his other 9/11 truth antics are compiled in documentary titled The 911 Chronicles Part 1 Truth Rising. He appears at the 01:03:07 mark on YouTube. Another is his tribute and mourning of a 9/11 truther leader who committed suicide.

See the girls in bikinis below:

And see Mark Dice screaming on college campuses "9/11 was an inside job"

Him mourning 9/11 truther Michael Rupert

This doesn’t seem like the Mark Dice currently put out there. And he’s not exactly the Make America Great Again super patriot many Trump supporters would find appealing. I mean if you spent half your career with no apology saying America staged a terrorist attack, killed thousands of its own people on purpose, and is engaging in wars based on those lies, that might not even fly with Trump himself. But who knows. Trump has a hard time telling his supporters when they are wrong.

So what happened to Mark Dice? He went to the business opportunity and became a snake oil salesman like Alex Jones did with supporting Donald Trump for president. Bashing liberals, SJW’s, political correctness and pseudo-patriotism sells well. And so do scam campaign promises. That seems to outweigh core principles that Mark Dice and Alex Jones seemed to maintain until Trump was running for president. They’re against elitism and oligarchy except when it’s Trump. There against Bilderberg associations except when Trump has them. They're for government transparency and the financial records of secret societies and individuals except when Trump refuses to release them unlike every other president.

It’s not exactly clear what Mark Dice and his position is today regarding 9/11.  He’s not as of this writing put out a clarifying statement if he’s changed his views. But there are some context clues as to what is likely the case which are the following:
It seems based on the following facts presented I think it’s fair to say that as of this writing Mark dice is now an ex conspiracy theorist when it comes to 9/11 conspiracy theories. However there is case to be made that he's trying to have it both ways. He still promotes some of his old work including The Resistance Manifesto but does it in very narrow ways. This includes listing other books he's written at the end of one of his newer books The True Story of Fake News. This might be him trying not to diss long time fans or people with more outlandish beliefs than what he promotes today.

Mark Dice if you're listening I hope you can respond with a clarifying statement.

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