Friday, July 20, 2018

Behold a Pale Horse Book Reviewed Part 1

This is my first book review. I am doing Behold a Pale Horse by the late William Cooper. Why is it my first choice? It’s the number one book on Amazon in UFOs. When I saw how popular it was I knew I had to read it. I couldn’t help but wonder what is so appealing about a now dead former local radio host's book who was a rival of Alex Jones?
The book basically has three sections. One talks about the scary continuity of government plans the US government may or may not have. Along with the so called “secret” societies you’ve probably already heard of before such as the Illuminati, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations.  A lot of it is repetitive things that are talked about in conspiracy circles so I’m going to skip that and get to what I think are the more interesting sections. The book has a ton of documents and articles that take up whole pages along with a diagram of organizations and power structures.

The second part talks about a secret government regarding aliens.  Let’s dig into that one

With Cooper’s career in Naval intelligence he claims a massive conspiracy regarding aliens. He claims the US government has been in constant communication with aliens, even given them permits to perform abductions and experiments on humans. With  of course the promise of erasing the victims memory of the event. All this has been organized by a series of treaties through President Dwight D Eisenhower made with the alien race. The US government also has alien technology they have been using to go to the moon and back. Even establishing moon bases. The Soviet Union even established their own moon bases and has had confrontations including a hostage situation on the moon. Not only we went to the moon, Cooper claims we’ve been to Mars and back. And the Close Encounters of the Third Kind movie was a dramatization of actual events that happened.  Oh and those mass shootings you hear about on the news, they were part of a government plan to condition the public for a police state to confront the out of control crime in order to prepare them for another police state to later fight the aliens.

Wow. This is mind blowing information.  Why isn’t this information everywhere? Could it be that every media outlet, politician, and government agency is in on this conspiracy? No. The problem with the book and it’s sourcing is that it’s coming from Cooper’s own account. There is no other sourcing for this claim of alien communication, moon bases, and interplanetary treaties. It relies on the burden of proof from him. Towards the end of the alien section of the book Cooper even says everything that he saw might’ve been a big lie as a plot to manufacture an alien threat just to ramp up the police state itself .

Also he reprints the entire text of the debunked anti Semitic Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. All he does is replace the word “Zion” with “Sion”,  “Jews” with  “Illuminati”, and goyim with the word “cattle”. Doing this he says somehow validates his conspiracy theory because the original text was meant to deceive people. How does it do that? I have no idea.

The part of the book that I found most interesting is that claim that the CIA encouraged the manufacture of military arms to be available for criminals to use. This is apparently part of a ploy to cause mayhem and fear followed by support for gun control. Where is the memo on that? He doesn’t give it. Maybe one day it will pop up on 4Chan or QAnon. I do have to say that’s probably the most brilliant plot I ever heard. Thant would mean every Republican member of the House of Representatives is a anti-gun double agent. This section of the book has been shared on social media multiple times. Most people don’t realize that just one paragraph before this one the author is saying the government is preparing for a military confrontation with the alien race.  Would that many people share the post knowing that the author is making the case it is a plot to condition the public with a police state to confront the aliens?

If you like alien fiction I’d say this book is for you. But as I started reading the alien section I honestly couldn’t believe what he was claiming. Reading it you start to think it’s a joke but then you realize he’s bold face serious. I thought there might be a grain of truth he may cite but no it was from him and him alone.  I was even more turned off when he said the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion had validity to it. Overall the book seems to be a manual and a Bible of where conspiracy theorists will get the information about the secret societies and overreaching government that’s in control of our lives. Some believers might get turned off by the alien claims but not everyone.  If you ever get a hold of the book I’d check it out.

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