Friday, February 8, 2019

Mark Dice Said Sandy Hook Truthers Deserve to be Sued for Defamation

Conspiracy theorist Mark Dice has some colorful words for those who say the Sandy Hook massacre was fake or didn’t happen (Sandy Hook Truthers) which includes Alex Jones. And it’s harsh and to the point.
In a 15 minute long video rant deleted from his YouTube channel in 2013 for some reason Dice goes point by point explaining absolutely everything that’s wrong with the Sandy Hook Truther movement. And I have to say there’s not one thing in this video I disagree with.

“I hope they sue you for slander and defamation you bastards. You absolute idiots”..... “I hate the Sandy Hook Truthers so much” says Mark Dice

Here are just a few but not all of the points he goes over. I’m just listing the points in which he slams the more sickening conspiracy theories and Alex Jones .

  1. Truthers say victims families smiling and laughing is suspicious– look up the grieving process
  2. He calls Alex Jones a conspiracy crackpot
  3. Truthers wonder why no footage has the release of the dead kids- maybe because that would be insensitive.
  4. Alex Jones’ Kool-Aid is a big part of not thinking critically
  5. “They’re slandering the victims’ families” he says

It’s not clear why this video is deleted from Mark Dice’s YouTube channel. There have been a lot of videos removed from his channel for no apparent reason which include him mourning the suicide of 9/11 truther Michael Rupert and his other 9/11 conspiracy videos. I’ve theorized he’s trying to distance himself from his more conspiratorial past. In this instance he probably wants to be neutral because a large part of his audience might believe the Sandyhook conspiracy.

Indeed some conspiracy theorists did not like what he said.

That’s probably the case if he himself did delete the video. He’s kept up a close relationship with Alex Jones regularly appearing on the show while Alex Jones is in the middle of his defamation lawsuit with the Sandy Hook victims’ families. Maybe he's trying to clean his channel of him slamming Jones now that he and Jones have kissed and made up for whatever feud they had.

Mark Dice Talks to Alex Jones About Censorship

In a recent video posted on his YouTube channel, Dice slams Joe Rogan for not defending Alex Jones from being de-platformed everywhere. Dice seems completely oblivious to the Alex Jones Sandyhook controversy that got him in this de-platforming pickle in the first place.

And Joe Rogan covers the controversy here.

There's another deleted video of Mark dice slamming the Sandyhook truthers that I've archived in case they're deleted again. For now they can be watched here.

Epic Rant Against Sandy Hook Skeptics By Mark Dice

Mark "Military Base" Dice aka "The Hypnotist" - Unbelievable Sandy Hook Deniers Series (#2)

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