I for a long time have been asking crisis actor conspiracy theorists to show me an example of a massacre that didn’t happening that involved dozens or hundreds of people engaging in fraud pretending that it did happened. Because that is after all what the invented concept of a crisis actor is. It’s a hypothetical person that pretends to be a victim or first responder in an event that includes mass casualties. While desperately searching for this bigfoot, crisis actor theorists have resorted to completely making up incidents.
They’ve done this by using footage from events they claim show crisis actors in training or actual events they claim crisis actors were involved in. They’ve done this the Facebook way. Using video footage and putting their own caption on it with it spreading like wildfire on social media. Every time the footage they use appears to be totally normal stuff which includes first responders training in a realistic simulation that does involve actors, children’s plays, and even die in protests. The die in protests were related to the Syrian Civil War casualties. A lot of the training simulations are easily traceable. But some not so much especially when they’re in a foreign country like somewhere in the Middle East. That makes them hard to trace to the original source. Some have not gone viral but have got a few thousand views. These are just a few examples.
One video has been hard to trace where it originally came from. It shows kids and what seems to be a classroom with a lot of adults. The children play and then when a mini siren comes on in the room they all collapse pretending to convulse from what appears to be a pretend gas attack. Looking at the video it’s not clear what is going on. But my best guess would be it’s a duck and cover drill or a children’s play. Again it’s hard to tell.
Another video shows people appearing on camera and collapsing 15 seconds after a car bomb goes off. It’s another video that’s hard to trace. But just looking at the video, it appears to be first responders training for real life situations in the Middle East. I made a video with my own caption making up what is shown.
Another one is an insult to intelligence. To a crisis actor theorist it shows fake dead bodies memorialized for people that died from either the Syrian Civil War or the gas attacks. But the bodies clearly shows someone is alive underneath and moving around. To them this is a crisis actor. The actor didn't hear the word ACTION. But in reality it appears to be an obvious die in protest paying tribute to victims. That involves pretending to be dead but not engaging fraud as a form of protesting atrocities. Some people who speak Arabic say it has to do with events in Cairo and nothing to do with Syria.
With no original source to showing the context as to what's going on in these videos, my challenge to crisis actor theorists still stands.
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