The "crisis actor". This is the hypothetical actor that participates in false flag attacks such as bombings or mass shootings. They simulate and fake the events you see on TV and are paid by some government or corporation. They pretend to be victims injured or panicked. The term itself "crisis actor" from conspiracy theorists has been used since the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre but popularized in 2013 after the Boston marathon bombing according to Google trends. It's especially used with the Sandy Hook massacre. Now I'm not going to go into details and debunk meme images or badly put together documentaries from YouTube. But what I'm going to do is poke holes in the very idea of "crisis actors".
I've been dying to do a post on crisis actors for a long time. I've only briefly mentioned it once in a post about former Alex Jones writer Keith Johnson who voiced outrage over the conspiracy theories. Unlike other conspiracy theories this one particularly stands out. Why? Because it's not based on anything that has ever happened before. It's just a concept that has yet to be shown to materialize in real life. Its like a zombie apocalypse or aliens. Something like those have not been shown to be real yet. They are nothing more than hypothetical concepts. Most conspiracy theories are based on other grains of truth. For example, false flag conspiracy accusations are thrown around because false flags have happened before. Or nefarious mass medical experimentation such as Tuskegee. That's not the case with crisis actors. Because there's been no massacre such as a bombing or shooting that it turned out the whole thing was fake and the media, politicians, and police department along with the locals were somehow in on the conspiracy. There are just accusations on the Internet.
Other times accusations are based on things that are certainly possible. Like a botched SWAT raid. It could've been possible that the cops shot the students at Columbine high school by accident. But that's not what happened as the investigation showed. But things like that do in a fact sometimes happen. But the crisis actor conspiracy theorists are not even suggesting something improbable but possible.
You could claim someone else did all the damage in a massacre. Just one person can do a lot of damage with guns alone. However these conspiracy theorists go over the top when they say there are dozens or even hundreds of people pretending to be victims or first responders. It's kind of believable when you say it's just one patsy. But dozens or hundreds? How much are they getting paid and how much money is worth not spilling the beans on the secret government program?
Another thing is missing from this conspiracy theory. Where are the former crisis actors that have come forward claiming to participate in such massacres and bombings? I mean during the Satanic Panic you at least had people that came for claiming to be part of a secret Satanic cult operating in the United States. But those turned out to be con men. There is certainly a moneymaking industry behind these crisis actor claims. But it baffles even me as to why no one would sell themselves as a former crisis actor to make money like charlatan Satanists or even fake ex terrorists. You would think there would be at least one. But as of this writing there hasn't been.
I did however find one alleged former crisis actor that came forward because he felt the world deserved to know. It's comedian Edward Current. Watch below:
OK so he's not a real crisis actor. But it's a pretty funny mockery. So there you have it. I didn't even have to debunk specific claims of certain events. The biggest problem with these crisis actor claims is not the specific claims themselves, it's just the idea and concept of crisis actors. Because that's all it is. It's just an invented concept like the magic bullet.
The earth revolving around the sun.was "just an invented concept" at one time too. Saying something is impossible carries very little weight these days.
ReplyDeleteHow about a crisis photoshop subject?
ReplyDeleteShithouse investigation if you ended up finding nothing. And to brush something aside because it hasnt happened before, and so easilly... sounds like you didnt really even want to stumble across anything odd. It doesnt have to be an official government undertaking - theres lots of powerful people with agendas. I'd use the Orlando club shooting as an example where clearly something was up with the 'injured' people. If you cant find whats wrong there, youre in the wrong business.
ReplyDeleteWhat injured people specifically? link?
Deletewhat events such as massacres have been faked with dozens or hundreds of people involved whether government connected or not?