Monday, August 14, 2017

What Alex Jones Doesn't Think was a False Flag Part 1

In a post on Facebook I asked if there are any violent acts that Alex Jones believes aren't false flags. There were only two incidents I found in my inquiry into this. (So far) One of them I found myself  and the other was found by another Facebook user.
What I found was the 2010 Pentagon shooting by a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Alex Jones appeared on Geraldo Rivera's show on Fox News to discuss the connection to the 9/11 conspiracy theories. Jones didn't even suggest that it's possible it might be a false flag.  He mostly just defended what 9/11 truth is about and the concept of suggesting something is a false flag attack. Jones was relatively calm throughout the whole interview.  Rather than accuse the shooter of being a patsy or something he said the guy was just nuts and that crazy people could do crazy things. *Cough* Sandy Hook. But he thinks that event just didn't happen.

Watch his appearance on Geraldo Rivera below:

The other violent act he doesn't call a false flag was the terrorist attack involving the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby. This man was almost beheaded by two Islamic terrorists in the streets of London. They were conspiracy theories on the Internet claiming the beheading was a hoax. But his own website InfoWars posted an article debunking this along with a debunking video of hoax conspiracy theories regarding the incident. Keep in mind this is from his coworker Paul Joseph Watson and not from Jones himself. But it's from his website so I think that counts. But the word didn't spread around his base. It only got two shares on the internet according to the article.

Watch the video of Paul Joseph Watson debunking it below:

If any of these videos are taken down. Let me know if the comments and I'll re-post them.

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