The whole debunking is like a long miniseries. Its several hours long so it probably can't be finished in one sitting. The debunking comes with a bibliography. Also here's Alex Jones' bibliography. The movie Endgame itself is basically Alex Jones trying to articulate what the New World order is and what the plans are by the elites. Basically the New World Order for dummies according to Alex Jones. The movie was made in 2007 and Alex Jones hasn't made something quite articulate like this on the subject matter since then. If you want to know the basics as to what a Alex Jones believes, this is the film you watch. However I recommend listening to the podcast because they do a debunking commentary and pause throughout the whole movie. That's why the podcast itself is so long. There's a lot of humor and moments that Alex Jones fans will realize Jones is lying and being purposely misleading throughout the whole "documentary". Its just like I addressed in my personal story. When you follow someone for truth about certain events and about the world and when you realize they are purposely and knowingly lying about certain things, you start to loose faith in them. It starts coming down like a ton of bricks. Here are the podcasts broken down into five parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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