Sean Fitzgerald was an active and infamous 9/11 truther. At one point he traveled to Thailand. While over there he thought para military soldiers were following him. This led to an accident in which he had to be hospitalized. He contacted his father and told him to get a hold of Alex Jones. Low and behold his father actually did end up calling the Alex Jones show telling about his son’s situation. Fitzgerald also called in to his local 9/11 truther chapter Colorado 9/11 Visibility to see if they could get a hold of Alex Jones. This all ended in Fitzgerald stabbing his father to death in front of his mother believing he was Satan.
Now before the murder and while he was hospitalized, Alex Jones and his 9/11 truth group just played along with what he was saying about people following him. In the audio conversation he had with Michael Wolsey of the local 9/11 truth group he clearly does not sound right in the head and fades in and out of reality. Its unclear whether or not Fitzgerald’s associates in the group knew he was exhibiting any delusional beliefs. How could they when they’re in a 9/11 conspiracy group? That’s not a joke. Seriously, how do you determine whether or not someone is mentally ill in a group devoted to 9/11 conspiracy theories? Most people who hold these 9/11 beliefs are not mentally ill. In this case someone who was mentally ill got verification of his delusional beliefs over and over again. The most dangerous thing to do for someone that’s mentally ill is to give in to their delusional beliefs. How awkward would it be if Alex Jones did end up having Fitzgerald on his show? Jones probably made a calculated move in avoiding having him on the show. How could he know based on the details his father gave the radio show about what’s really going on. Whether Jones did avoid getting Fitzgerald on the show we may never know. Colorado 9/11 Visibility, the group Fitzgerald was a part of is no longer active and hasn’t been since 2013.
Listen to the conversation between his father and Alex Jones, along with his 9/11 Truth group below:
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