Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ex Conspiracy Theorist Story #2 The 9/11 Truther Who Learned How to Research in College

Former 9/11 truther David Chandler tells his story about how he changed his mind after learning the basics of research when writing college papers. It's very similar to my experience.
Looking back, I can remember searching for videos of the World Trade Center attacks on YouTube. This was around mid to late 2007 and YouTube was a fairly new platform for posting videos. I would spend hours searching online for videos related to the attacks. I was curious. My objective was to find videos that might not have been aired or possibly a video that was taken from inside the buildings as the planes hit. I kept searching, Googling, searching for various web sites dedicated to the 9/11 attacks, and Googling some more. I wasn't finding anything different from what I had seen before on TV and on the Internet, however I was surprised to what I did find in the search results. 

'9/11 Was An Inside Job', 'New World Order did 9/11', 'Bush Made 9/11 Happen', 'A Missile Hit The Pentagon', "No Planes on 9/11', so maybe not the exact wording of these search results but I'm sure you understand where I'm going with this, no? I found myself clicking the links to these results and was amazed by what I saw.

One of the first links brought me to a video by Alex Jones. I don't remember much about it and what I do remember was it was boring me to death because all he did was show documents that he pulled off the Internet. I dismissed it and thought nothing of it at that point. 

I continued doing my search.

I came across 'Zeitgeist: The Movie' on YouTube. First off, I was fascinated that this was a full length movie lasting close to 2 hours. Secondly, it was free. So I sat and watched. It was very compelling specifically since the first part of the movie mirrored my views on religion and how cult behavior is a danger to our society. The 2nd part of the movie focused on conspiracy theories, specifically those theories about 9/11. I also saw the name again... Alex Jones. 

That's where I decided to look more into the different personalities that entertain the whole 9/11 conspiracy phenomenon. A movie called 'Loose Change' was mentioned. There was another movie, '9/11 Press For Truth', and an interview with Aaron Russo which I watched very intently. Aaron Russo produced such movies as Trading Places and The Rose. This interview is what roped me in. Aaron had a conversation with one of the Rockefeller brothers and told him back in 2000 that there would be a big event that would usher in an age of surveillance being unprecedented and every human on the planet would be watched and privacy would be a thing of the past. 

I got angry about this particular conversation, whether true or not, it's what made me fear the worst for myself and for all of us. I saw that this interview was conducted by Alex Jones, so I had to find out more. 

I found Prison Planet and InfoWars online. I saw Alex had a channel on YouTube as well. I watched his movies, I read his articles, and I would download his podcast and started listening every day. I would also listen to Jason Bermas, and Luke Rudkowski as well as Mark Dice, Richard Gage, and Phil Jayhan (to which Phil actually became a friend). 

Then I found a video channel on YouTube called DSGLOP. This was a guy who would counter-protest a Canadian chapter of 9/11 Truth. This guy did everything and anything to tear apart what 9/11 Truthers were doing and why their claims were completely wrong. Initially, his videos got me angry which was to be expected. I was believing in something, and watching someone tear apart my belief system will incite a certain level of emotion. 

At this point, I should interject that I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 primaries. A good portion of 9/11 conspiracy theorists were Ron Paul supporters. I wasn't the exception. I should also add that my vote for Ron Paul was the very bookend of my Young Republican phase. But that's another story entirely.

Back in 2009, I planned to return to school and study for my Bachelor of Science Degree for Network Administration. Most studies required that I write a term paper for every homework assignment. This involved research. That's right - RESEARCH! Specifically APA Formatting. This type of formatting requires listing sources, and listing who contributes to these sources and how to link to said sources in order to verify what information is provided. I also learned about statistics, empirical data collection, venn diagrams, discreet mathematics, and a course in College Algebra which I aced with flying colors.

What else did I learn? I WAS WRONG!

As much as I could sit here and talk about how much of a buffoon Alex Jones is, and tell you where most conspiracy theories fail, as well as tell you about logical fallacies, bad research, junk science, and people who are swindlers and con artists, it all comes down to me and how gullible I was. 

This is why I think those who believe conspiracy theories keep believing and won't let go. They don't want to show their vulnerability or weaknesses. They don't want to know how gullible they are. 

Learning how wrong I was, I went back to the DSGLOP channel. I watched his videos where he took the opportunity to tell truthers why they are wrong. I got a good laugh out of it. And I also found myself laughing again. I wasn't angry anymore. I also found several other videos online where people would counter-protest truthers. A very good video comes from 2006 where a native NYC resident by the name of Mark Roberts totally obliterates Alex Jones while he is paying a visit to ground zero. In a way, the video is funny but in another way it's somewhat disturbing because Mark is putting his health at risk confronting these truthers.  If you do a search on YouTube for "Mark Roberts Alex Jones" check it out. That said, DSGLOP's channel is no longer in existence.

I truly believe this is my greatest life lesson. Don't believe everything you read and certainly don't believe everything you see. Take the time to educate yourself. And if education is offered to you for free, take advantage of it! 



    I agree with David Chandler. Educate yourself by reading WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? by Dr. Judy Wood and let the evidence speak for itself

    If your death was determined to be homicide by gunshot, the forensic investigation better report a bullet hole in your body. Would the coroner’s report of homicide by gunshot be a theory or a conclusion from ALL of the evidence? Evidence may be used to form a theory but a theory CAN NOT be used to form evidence. Dr. Wood does not present a theory, she presents evidence.

    Who would disagree with this statement of fact? Those who wish to cover-up the crimes of 9/11.

    Remember: Those who control the energy control the people. But those who control their perception control everything.

    The order of crime solving, that one must first identify:

    1) WHAT happened before determining

    2) HOW “it” happened…before one can determine

    3) WHO did “it” or

    4) WHY they did “it.”

    Since writing her book, Dr. Wood has come to understand more clearly how cover-ups work. People are encouraged to skip step #1 and begin arguing about step #2. In order to argue about HOW “it” happened, people are left to IMAGINE what “it” was that happened. From then on, they are only addressing an imaginary problem, not a real problem. And they can never ever solve the real problem unless they begin with step #1, which defines WHAT the problem is they need to solve.


    1. I have read Judy Wood's book. I've given the respect to her to check on some of her other work as well. I have also given the respect to her to debunk some if not all of her claims. There is not ONE THING she says that is provable. But I will give you some respect as well, Dr. Goldstein. If you can show me proof, I will unfriend the Ex-Conspiracy Theorist from Facebook, I will ask him to take down my post from his blog, and I will become a truther once again. Seriously, I will give you that respect and offer you this challenge.
