Ever heard of chemtrails? They're a cloud like con trail that emits from an airplane or a jet that you see in the sky. Or least that's what some people claim it is. Simple physics explain exactly what it is. But some conspiracy theorists claim it is a nefarious poison plot or special chemical aimed at altering the weather. I'm not claiming they are wrong in any specific case or sighting of contrails or what they call chemtrails. But I do have one question for them.

Where are the chemtrail chasers? Similar to storm chasers, where are the people that are launching balloons, drones, airplanes, or sophisticated technology into the mysterious mists to gather samples and examine their content. This could be like a hobby. I mean with Bigfoot hunters they're actually going out in the woods and searching for Bigfoot. With UFO hunters they're taking the camera and taking pictures of mysterious objects in the sky. You don't see that with people making careers pushing the dangers of chemtrails. For some reason there is little to no effort into actually going up in the sky and taking samples and reporting their findings. It's not impossible. Maybe a few thousand dollars worth of equipment but that's it. The money would be easily made available to conspiracy theorists if they did a fundraising effort which they do all the time for whatever cause. If any of you chemtrailers are listening, find a way to get samples of it and post your method of it on YouTube. If a stuffed plushy dog can be launched into space then you certainly can just reach the clouds. And yes that image at the bottom of the meme is from the movie Twister.
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