Friday, June 9, 2017

Why Alex Jones Avoids Defaming Private Citizens in his Conspiracy Theories

I've been following Alex Jones for a long time both as a former disciple and as now a critic. In watching his movies, reading his website, and listening to his broadcasts exposing evil with outlandish claims, I've noticed something.
He tends to avoid making outlandish claims about private citizens. Jones has presented himself as a man not afraid to expose the evil and adhorrent deeds by government officials. These include murder, rape, fraud, and conspiracy on a far-fetched bad Hollywood scripted scale. It takes courage to say all those things. Right? Actually it doesn't take any at all. They're public officials. You could say literally anything about them or accuse them of anything. It's free speech, freedom of the press, and all protected by the First Amendment to United States Constitution.

This is the the main reason why Jones avoids accusing private citizens of serious crimes in his conspiracy theories. There could be potential legal consequences like defamation lawsuits. Now there are of course exceptions. He's accused some very wealthy elites who are also private citizens of horrific crimes like Bill Gates. There could be an explamation for that. Do you really think Bill Gates is going to have his reputation ruined, be hurt financially, or suffer business loss by someone like Alex Jones?  Even if he did hurt Gates, the damage would be so insignificant that it wouldn't be worth going to court over.  It's because he's freaking Bill Gates!

Now smaller business owners might not have that guaranteed financial security. And they were the unfortunate victims of Alex Jones. He had two defamation incidents this year.  He accused a pizzeria of being a front for child sex trafficking and a yogurt company of importing migrant rapists. The pizzeria suffered death threats and had to pay for increased security.

Jones apologized and retracted both claims against the businesses. His motive was that he was going to be sued by the pizzeria. With the yogurt company he lost (settled) a defamation lawsuit and had to retract the claims. Jones should just stick to his original business model. Stick to government officials and nothing will happen.

 Here's his long lawyer written apology about Pizza Gate

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