Some of you might remember Melissa Rein Lively. Also known as QAnon Karen. She is the lady that infamously destroyed a Target store Covid mask display in 2020. Earlier that year when it happened I actually managed to get a hold of her and ask her for an interview about why she was so angry. Her face is censored for reasons explained below.
I interviewed her for my YouTube Channel which aired probably for two days. She said her usual stuff she was posting about before during her Target meltdown including conspiratorial and racist statements and just bragging about her $10,000 Rolex. Then she later privately messaged me saying she was going through a mental health crisis which she has publicly stated she was going through at the time. Out of respect I decided to take it down. I had an idea mental illness was involved but had nothing to confirm at time. So we exchanged messages back-and-forth me telling her I wish her well and hoped she would come on again after she got better. She was open to it then months later I asked her if she would come back on but she respectfully declined. That was fine. She still told me she was doing well. And I said I was glad she was.
Then months and months later I get a notification from YouTube that one of my videos was taken down for bullying and harassment community standards violation. What was that video? It was the interview I had with her. But here’s the thing it was not even public. I had made the video private in which nobody could view it ever since Melissa requested it be taken down.
So I got confused. Now YouTube is taken down private videos that nobody is viewing? I was trying to figure out what happened so I simply text Melissa ask her if she knew anything about that telling her I wasn’t accusing her of anything but wondering if she did.
Part of me theorized that she flagged my channel for secretly having the video of her. And claims I was bullying and harassing her. If anyone did watch the video That’s not what I do. I ask questions in my usual interview style she had the most colorful responses to the questions. I later determined that you can’t really flag somebody on YouTube for a private video. So it wasn’t that.
I later found out that YouTube was automatically taken down all videos or at least most of them that mentioned the QAnon stuff. Even criticism of it. It’s their lazy way of dealing with the problem on their platform.
So Melissa does respond to me and then out of nowhere she just snaps and threatens me with lawsuits. Here is the text exchange of that threat. This was about on November 12, 2021.
Anf after that last message she blocked me when she was done venting. I had no desire to contact her again anyway. If ever does to come to Florida. I would probably want a restraining order on her. I have no idea what’s going on with her that she would snap like that. But I’m not afraid of her or her $10,000 Rolex so screw her. But I don’t know what’s going on with her now. And for the record I did not spam her with messages. This is our entire text conversation after months and months not talking to one another. I have records of those exchanges too so if she wants to lie about me. I’ll post those records too.
It’s also confusing to me because she did several interviews with other media outlets expressing her regrets and what she went through. Many articles and videos of which I shared showing her remarkable recovery. Again I don’t know what’s going on.
I still have the video of me interviewing her which I still don’t plan to release for the same reason I said before. Because I still have sympathy for those who go through mental health issues. However I don’t have sympathy for those that wish to threaten or harm me. Which is why I’m posting this threat she gave me. I know some good attorneys that deal with anti-SLAPP suits (frivolous lawsuits) in the state of Florida. So try me Melissa.
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