The Brady Campaign has gone to the bottom of the barrel falsely claiming that 18-year old Michael Brown was murdered when he was shot by Officer Darren Wilson on the anniversary of the 2014 shooting.
From the Facebook post
“Six years ago today, 18-year-old Mike Brown was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson. His killing ignited a movement, changing the world forever. Police violence is gun violence. We cannot forget Mike's story, and we cannot stop fighting the systemic racism that continues to fuel an ever-growing list of Black and Brown Americans murdered by the state. #BlackLivesMatter”Hold the phone. What murder? The Obama Justice Department cleared the officer who shot him of any wrongdoing. Along with every other investigation.
I have talked about what I call “worst case scenario mongering” which is alleging the worst possible scenario regarding a police shooting before an investigation is complete. This is what I would call “worst case scenario lying”. Lying about a case when we know what happened.
The post says “we cannot forget Mike’s story.” OK where is the story? They conveniently provide no link for reference as to what the hell they’re talking about.
Let me tell the story then or at least the short version. Michael Brown strong armed robbed a convenience store. Brown was approached by Officer Darren Wilson after being recognized as the possible robbery suspect. Brown then proceeded to punching Officer Wilson multiple times in his vehicle then trying to take Officer Wilson’s gun. Brown gets shot in the hand then runs away. Officer Wilson pursues him. Brown turns around after a short chase and charges at Officer Wilson. Officer Wilson orders Brown to stop. Brown does not comply and he gets shot. The shooting is ruled as justified by multiple investigations.
That’s not me saying that, that’s the Obama Justice Department saying that. Along with every other investigation.
This is not the first time this lie has continued years later. Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both falsely claimed on the campaign trail for 2020 that Michael Brown was murdered. It is unclear whether or not they are pushing the lie because they are grossly misinformed or they don’t believe in the investigation’s findings and are disputing it out right. If they don't believe the findings of MULTIPLE investigations and allege a coverup conspiracy they should just say it.
“Now that black lives matter to everyone, it is imperative that we continue marching for and giving voice to those killed in racially charged incidents at the hands of police and others. But we must never allow ourselves to march under the banner of a false narrative on behalf of someone who would otherwise offend our sense of right and wrong. And when we discover that we have, we must acknowledge it, admit our error and keep on marching.” — Jonathan Capehart Washington Post
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