Friday, August 21, 2020

Trump’s Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist Tweets Examples

Trump can only re-tweet neo-Nazis and white supremacists so many times before you start to ask... WHY?  Here are notable examples of Trump retweeting genuine neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

You Can Birther Prank Trump With Kamala Harris Here’s How

Joe Biden has chosen his vice presidential running mate Senator Kamala Harris. You know what that means? Trump will tweet something outrageously stupid and possibly racist about her and we're going to bait him to do it. Because he'll take the bait.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Brady Campaign Falsely Claims Michael Brown Was Murdered

The Brady Campaign has gone to the bottom of the barrel falsely claiming that 18-year old Michael Brown was murdered when he was shot by Officer Darren Wilson on the anniversary of the 2014 shooting.