Friday, June 14, 2019

How Kurt Kaskell the Underwear Bomber Truther Declined My Interview

Image result for kurt haskell 
I recently requested an interview with Kurt Haskell the lawyer who was a passenger on the airliner the 2009 Underwear Bomber failed to bring down. This was for my YouTube channel and show It's All a Conspiracy. I wanted to do something different and have someone on who believes in a conspiracy theory and say what they believe if they agree to the questions I give them ahead of time. In Haskell's case, he's someone who says the underwear bombing was an inside job and false flag. Why? Because he claims to have seen it first hand. At first he was willing to come on then declined when he saw what my Facebook page was about. I'm showing you my entire email exchange with him.

 Here's him on CNN giving his account

Here's him talking to a local news channel

And here's his InfoWars interview

And here's my whole email exchange with Kurt Haskell


The Ex Conspiracy Theorist

Tue, Apr 16, 11:15 PM

 Hey Kurt, 

I run a Facebook page called The Ex Conspiracy Theorist. I also have an interview show on YouTube called It’s All a Conspiracy.

I would like to have you on as a guest to talk about your account of the underwear bomber. It’ll be a great conversation.

I’d like to ask the following questions just to give you a heads up so you can give me the best answers. So we’ll see where it goes from there. The longer we talk the better. I’ll let you know if I have any other questions I want you to be ready for. I hope you come on and I look forward to talking to you

Brief intro on you and your law practice

You were a passenger on the failed  underwear bombing. Tell me what happened to you.

When did suspect he was intentionally let on the plane?

How many people do you think would have to be involved in this? And how high up in the government does it go? Or could it involve people outside the government agencies?

Do you still think he was given an intentionally defective bomb? Or do you think the bomb failed on its own?

 Other witnesses had said they saw someone videotaping the him fighting the other passengers trying to stop him. Do you have any idea who that person was?

Do you think there’s a video of the incident? We only publicly have a screenshot/photo of the bomber being apprehended

When you were interviewed by the authorities during investigation what did they ask you and what did you tell them?

You attended the underwear bomber’s trial. Were you ever brought up? And what was the trail like?

Did you ever know or hear about false flag terrorist attacks before the underwear bombing incident?

 Is there any personal position about the underwear bomber you’ve changed your mind on? Have your views changed about what you believed about it more than nine years ago?

What are some other terrorist related events you question? 

Including the events related to terrorism you question what percent would you say is organized or orchestrated by governments to deceive people?

What are some other people that have been investigating the underwear bombing as much as you have?

Do you think anything about the war on terror has changed under President Trump?

You recently posted about crisis actors being used in real life events such as bombings or shootings. What do you believe about crisis actors and their role in shootings and bombings?

You ran for Congress in 2012. Can you tell me what that was like? 

What are current your views on Alex Jones being that you’ve been in interviews with him multiple times?

Are there any news publications, books, or websites you recommend on what we’ve been talking about?
Are there things that have been said about you that you want to say on the record are not true?

You told me you were and have been banned on Facebook multiple times. What is that about? I’m also a victim The Facebook police myself LOL

What’s your take on Facebook cracking down on what they call conspiracy theories?

You seem to be in very active traveler. Can you tell me about that?

Kurt Haskell

Tue, Apr 16, 11:39 PM

to me
Sure, no problem. I am working on a big project right now though so I'm not available until the week of April 29th. Anytime that week is good for me. The week after, May 4th week, is also bad for me because I'll have family in town. Just let me know.

Kurt Haskell

Apr 17, 2019, 12:08 AM

to me
I looked at your FB page. You seem to be some sort of professional debunker who accepts that nothing is a conspiracy. People that think nothing is a conspiracy are worse than those that think everything is a conspiracy. The truth actually lies somewhere in the middle. I pride myself in taking the time to actually determine what is really going on. I've actually been to the site of 6 mass casualty events to gather evidence and interview people. I spend my own time and money returning to a country I despise in order to personally investigate what took place. I am more of an expert at staged events than nearly everyone on the planet. My days of arguing with people ended when I retired from being a trial attorney. It's just not something I'm interest in anymore. Debating the fine points of events is ok with me but that doesn't seem to be what you do. I'm not interested in spending time with someone who doesn't make the same effort in getting to the truth that I do who will attempt to discredit what I have to say and the research I have done. When you have been personally involved in a life changing false flag attack like I have, then you can attempt to debunk me. If you were involved in one yourself, your opinion would suddenly change like mine did after Christmas Day 2009. Therefore, I'm going to turn down your interview request. Thanks.


The Ex Conspiracy Theorist

Apr 17, 2019, 10:34 AM

to Kurt
I don’t think nothing is a conspiracy. I just don’t think everything is a conspiracy. I don’t intend for it to be debate. My format is I ask my guest questions and let them speak. They get their word in. That’s why I gave u the questions ahead of time. 

I’ve been interviewing guests in my ball park. And decided to expand to people who disagree with what I do. I want to give them the opportunity to say what they believe. 

I still hope you’ll take up my offer for an interview. If not through video, by email is fine if u still wanna answer my questions.

I’d just like to hear from you.

If not I understand.

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