Congressman Meadows passionately stated he’s never heard Trump say anything racist privately. This was during the Michael Cohen testimony. This got backlash from a congresswoman saying he was being racist.
What does this not racist and Trump have in common? Both of them spread the racist birther lie that Obama was born in Africa and is therefore ineligible to be president. Also known as birtherism.
Meadows made the remarks at Tea Party Express Rally, Patton Park, Hendersonville, NC- 6/09/12
"We're going to send Mr. Obama to Kenya or wherever it is".He’s done it more than once. Here's him at the Blue Ridge Tea Party Patriots Congressional Candidate Forum, 6/12/12
"We'll send him back home to Kenya or wherever it is."
Now I’m not calling Mark Meadows a racist I’m just pointing out he’s made knowingly and willingly racist remarks. He could just tell those constituents they were wrong concerning President Obama's birth. But he needs to be a spiteful prick. Just look how scared he was not to dismiss the birther question.
We have a governor in hot water for possibly wearing a KKK outfit in college. This congressman told the first African American President to GO BACK TO AFRICA twice.
I, like you, am an ex-conspiracy guy. I had all the books by Epperson, Kah, Webster, and the like (a short list is here, under the links: I explain shortly my exodus from these views in a chapter from my book (not a real book, just uploads to SCRIBD). But, I would like to challenge your idea that Meadows was saying anything racist. I compare two conspiracy theories (Birtherism to Bush and 9/11), maybe some of the information will change your position a bit
But the other thing I say is that Meadows was being rhetorical for his audience. This is an option, yes? "Or wherever he's from," like Hawaii.
Anyways, found your video on the pale horse... loved it. Sending it to a friend of my fathers.